Get Connected
We were never meant to live this life alone. Here at Forefront, one way we make sure we're in this together is through Small Groups. Our groups are 5-15 people who meet once a week in homes all over Hampton Roads. Groups are a relaxing and non-threatening place where you will feel welcomed.
Some Small Groups offer child care. There is a weekly study that goes along with the messages from Sunday. You also get to foster new relationships and do life together on a weekly basis.
Essentials Vol. 1 - Real Faith For Real People
Pastor and Author A.W. Tozer famously said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” So what do we think about? Over the next four weeks, we are going to look at the essentials of the Christian faith that will answer the questions, "Who is God?" "Who is Jesus?" "Who is the Holy Spirit?" And, "What is worship?" We will get to the heart of who God the Father is, which will inform how we approach Him, how we serve Him, and how we worship Him.
Have Questions
Have any questions about Small Groups or the Weekly Studies? You can email Dan Pollard and he'll help with any questions you may have.